Opening Cyber Sanskar Club

Cyber Sankar Club

Cyber Sanskar Club: Empowering Cyber Safety in Schools and Colleges

Welcome to CollCom, a dedicated College-Community network committed to fostering cyber literacy and safety. We are thrilled to introduce the Cyber Sanskar Club, a pioneering initiative designed to create a robust platform in schools and colleges for raising awareness about cybercrime and safety precautions.

Who We Are

CollCom, established on September 5, 2018, is a non-profit organization driven by alumni of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). We work closely with National Service Scheme (NSS) units and other youth-led organizations to provide training and mentoring to student volunteers across the country. Our mission is to empower students to engage with communities, understand their challenges, and contribute to solving them, thereby enhancing the material and moral standards of these communities.

Our Achievements

Since our inception, we have:

  • Collaborated with prestigious institutions like JNU, Delhi University, and many more.
  • Conducted 18 short and long-duration internship programs.
  • Held over 250 workshops, webinars, and seminars.
  • Organized 5 special camps.
  • Mentored more than 4,500 NSS volunteers.
  • Benefited over 2.65 lakh people through various workshops, events, and social media outreach.

Cyber Sanskar Club: What We Do


  1. Awareness: Educate students, teachers, and parents about cybercrime issues and safety measures.

  2. Legal Knowledge: Inform about IT laws related to cybercrime and complaint filing procedures.

  3. Capacity Building: Conduct programs and internships to empower students.

  4. Government Initiatives: Facilitate the wider reach of government initiatives on cybercrime awareness.


  • Partner institutions will form a Cyber Sanskar Club and nominate a core team of five students (President, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries).

  • The core team will invite 100-500 students to join and participate in activities.

  • Activities include creating awareness through posters, short reels, memes, live quizzes, competitions, webinars, and offline workshops.

  • Members will engage in field surveys and door-to-door awareness campaigns.


  • President: Oversee planning and execution of activities, maintain documentation, and act as the liaison with CollCom.

  • Vice-Presidents: Finalize content for social media and print, coordinate field visits, and maintain activity reports.

  • Secretaries: Write and design content, engage members, and manage fundraising.

  • Club Members: Participate in projects, create awareness, and maintain progress reports.

Why Collaborate with Us?

Benefits of Collaboration:

  1. Expertise and Support: CollCom provides technical support for webinars, field surveys, and events. We also arrange expert speakers and offer capacity-building training.

  2. Recognition and Certification: Members receive certificates of appreciation and awards based on performance.

  3. Impact and Outreach: Partner institutions benefit from increased cyber awareness, improved safety practices, and enhanced community engagement.

Join Us

We invite schools and colleges to collaborate with us in this noble cause. By partnering with us, you will play a crucial role in empowering the youth and protecting our society from cyber threats. Together, we can create a safer digital world.

For more information and to collaborate, please contact:

Let’s join hands to build a cyber-safe future!

Supporting Organizations

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