Sponsorship Proposal

Cyber Sanskar Sponsorship

Cyber Sanskar: A Commitment to Cyber Literacy and Safety

Welcome to CollCom, a College-Community network dedicated to fostering awareness and education on cybercrime and safety precautions. Our latest initiative, Cyber Sanskar, aims to address the urgent need for cyber literacy amidst the growing reliance on the internet for everyday activities.

About Us

CollCom, established in 2018, is a youth-driven, non-profitable organization focused on strengthening the National Service Scheme (NSS) units and other youth-led organizations. We provide platforms and support for youth to work closely with communities, understanding their problems and needs, and involving themselves in the problem-solving process. Our efforts aim to uplift these communities to higher material and moral levels.

Our Initiatives

  1. Cyber Sanskar Project: In response to the escalating cybercrime incidents, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have launched Cyber Sanskar to educate people about cybercrime and safety measures. We conduct virtual training sessions, workshops, social media campaigns, and internship programs to empower students, teachers, and the public.

  2. Virtual Training Modules: Our 15–30-minute online training sessions provide insights into prevalent cybercrimes, safety tips, and reporting mechanisms. To date, over 75,000 people have participated, with a goal to reach 2 lakh participants annually.

  3. Workshops and Webinars: We offer short workshops to provide practical exposure to cybercrime prevention. With 42 sessions already conducted, benefiting over 25,000 participants, our goal is to conduct 250 sessions in the coming year.

  4. Social Media Campaigns: Engaging and informative content on cybercrime awareness is shared regularly, reaching over 40,000 viewers. We aim to expand this reach significantly.

  5. Cyber Champion Ambassador Program: This internship program trains students to become advocates of cyber safety within their communities. Over 150 students have been empowered, with a target of 500 students in the next year.

  6. Cyber Sanskar Magazine: This is a flagship publication by CollCom dedicated to promoting cyber literacy and digital safety. Launched as part of the Cyber Sanskar initiative, the magazine provides readers with the latest insights, tips, and case studies on cyber security, ethical online behavior, and emerging digital trends. It is designed to educate and empower individuals, especially the youth, to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. The magazine reaches a diverse audience, including students, educators, professionals, and community leaders, making it an impactful platform for sponsors to connect with a socially conscious readership.


Through our tireless efforts during the pandemic, we have:

- Educated over 75,000 individuals through online training.

- Conducted workshops and webinars benefiting over 25,000 participants.

- Engaged over 1.5L people via social media.

- Empowered over 450 student volunteers through our internship program.

Our Goals

- Promote responsible internet usage.

- Empower students, teachers, and staff with cyber safety knowledge.

- Enhance the positive use of the internet for learning and career development.

- Facilitate better utilization of government schemes and digital initiatives.


Why Sponsor Us ?

Sponsoring Cyber Sanskar not only supports a critical social cause but also provides significant benefits for your organization:

- Brand Exposure: Reach a diverse audience through our extensive network and activities.

- Long-term Impact: Your brand will be associated with a noble cause that continues beyond a single event.

- Customized Packages: We offer flexible sponsorship options to suit different budgets and marketing goals.

- Community Engagement: Stand out as a socially responsible organization committed to cyber safety.

We invite you to join us in this vital mission to create a safer digital environment. Your support can make a significant difference in enhancing cyber literacy across India.

For detailed sponsorship opportunities, please download & read the proposal.

For any queries, please contact Dr. Gaurav Kumar at director@collcom.org  or 9868189955.

Together, let's build a cyber-safe future!


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