Guidelines for Becoming a CollCom Volunteer


  • Age Group: Open to youth in +2 schools and colleges across the country

  • Commitment: Willingness to dedicate time and effort towards community service and development projects

Steps to Become a Volunteer

  • Registration: Sign up through the CollCom volunteer registration portal.
    Orientation: Attend an initial orientation session to understand the mission, vision, and objectives of CollCom.

  • Orientation:Attend an initial orientation session to understand the mission, vision, and objectives of CollCom.

  • Training: Participate in mandatory training sessions to acquire necessary skills and knowledge.

  • Project Assignment: Get assigned to a specific community or project based on your interest and skill set.
  • Engagement: Actively engage with the community, understand their needs, and involve yourself in the problem-solving process


As a member of CollCom, you will receive several benefits, including:

  • Community Interaction: Work closely with communities such as street children, migrated people, slums, orphanages, old age homes, safai-karamchari, divyang (differently-abled), drugabused individuals, jail inmates, and farmers.

  • Problem Solving: Identify and understand community problems and needs, and contribute to developing and implementing solutions.

  • Reporting: Maintain regular communication with CollCom coordinators, and provide updates on project progress and challenges.

  • Advocacy: Promote the activities and objectives of CollCom within your institution and community.

Benefits of Becoming a CollCom Volunteer

  • Skill Development: Gain valuable skills in community engagement, problem-solving, leadership, and project management.

  • Career Guidance: Receive guidance and mentorship to map your traits and talents in the right career direction

  • Certification: Earn certificates recognizing your contribution and service, which can be valuable for future career prospects

  • Civic Responsibility: Develop a sense of civic responsibility and contribute to the betterment of society.

  • Networking: Connect with like-minded youth and organizations across the country, expanding your professional and social network.

  • Impact: Make a tangible impact on the lives of marginalized and underprivileged communities, raising their material and moral standards.

  • Tax Benefits: Contributions to CollCom are exempt under the 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961, providing financial incentives for further involvement.

By becoming a CollCom volunteer, you will not only contribute to the upliftment of various communities but also discover and nurture your own interests and talents, paving the way for a fulfilling career and personal growth.

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